Contemporary Indonesia is in the throes of
modernization, and a kind of urban continuum
stretches from Jakarta to the country (desa).
Jakarta, a city of more than five million
inhabitants, is modernized and westernized, with
an alienated, isolated and fragmented population
that tends to be polarized into the very rich and
the awfully poor. Life bustles in Jakarta, which
seems both very modern and obviously unJavanese.
This vitality both attracts and repels the rest of
Indonesia which views it on television and in the
movies, in that it represents a kind of freedom
that also entails isolation.
The next grade down the continuum includes big
cities like Surabaya, Semarang and Denpasar, and
though not as rich as Jakarta, they have many of
its characteristics and acquire more every day;
they are all big, modern cities with all that
Moving down the urban continuum again, one
encounters cities like Solo and Yogya, typified by
a more obvious and wide-ranging contrast between
traditional society and overlay of Jakartanese and
Western glitter. Most of the Western element comes
from the young; youths are reminiscent of American
teenagers in the 1950s, although the motorcycle is
the symbol of freedom in Java rather than the car.
Young people see these times as demanding a fresh
perspective, or more specifically, their
perspective. They are optimistic, exuberant,
modern and clearly distinguished for the
traditional folk both in their attitudes and
consumer goods. Every morning the streets are
literally covered with uniformed children on bikes
or motorcycles going to school.
As the continuum carries on from Solo/Yogya type
cities out to the desa, there are less and less of
the trappings of modernization, until out in the
deep desa, except for the hissing lantern, the
style of life appears unaltered for a thousand
years. There is no electricity in most areas, and
though motorcycles have made some inroads, they
remain less than common.
Solo and Yogya are Central Java's two traditional
court centers, with Solo being slightly older and
registering a population of 444,221 in the 1978
census. Solo is a traditional city awakening to a
new economic, social and political reality. The
city's main streets have recently been widened,
and the stores and houses lining them are
generally new and modern. These houses and
businesses (often contiguous) are often owned by
Chinese merchants, whose acumen and international
outlook are far in advance of the local Javanese.
A second section is the former Dutch district,
where homes are large, spread out and Western in
style. This area tends to house a modern,
progressive, wealthy and often non-Solonese group.
A third part of Solo is made up of houses of the
at least formerly wealthy, which are built in the
traditional format, meaning that a home's only
visible feature is a dirty whitewashed wall. If
the gate is open, a court can be seen and beyond a
kind of squarish covered porch (pendapa), the
traditional place to receive and entertain guests.
A pendapa can be large; in fact, a couple of
tennis courts would easily fit into the ones at
the palaces. These wealthy homes tend to be large,
and shifts in the fortunes of their owners are
often apparent in their rundown state.
A fourth part of Solo is made up of traditional
areas (kampung), where houses are very
close together, with narrow lanes wandering among
them. These homes are often built in a scaled-down
traditional form. Kampungs are not noted for
offering much privacy, and still boast a certain
amount of mutual assistance (gotong royong),
though modernization tends to choke this off by
breaking up the long-standing community structure.
These areas range from middle class to very poor,
with the only toilet in the most destitute
kampungs being the slow-flowing trench along the
side of the alley.
A fifth category of housing has built up on the
outskirts of Solo organized on a Western model,
with wide access streets and some land around the
houses. Generally these houses take a more modern
Another curiosity concerning housing in Solo is
that though similar kinds of dwellings tend to
cluster together, there are many big, new houses
that have been built inside the middle class
kampungs, that are frequently owned by Chinese
Solo's official name is Surakarta, and the city is
the administrative center of a province that is
also called Surakarta. For clarity's sake, I will
call the city Solo and will refer to the province
as Surakarta. Surakarta is about the size of Rhode
Island. There are six other notable cities in the
province -- Boyolali, Klaten, Sukoharjo, Wonogiri,
Karanganyar and Sragen -- which are all smaller
and more provincial than Solo but still enter into
the same class on the urban continuum. Besides the
cities there are hundreds of small hamlets (desa)
where traditional farming is practiced.
Surakarta's southern region is arid and poor, and
life is very hard there; the area's social pyramid
is simplified by the absence of wealthy land
owners. The region produces corn and cassava.
Sometime ago the region was covered in trees, but
virtually complete deforestation, has left with
severe water problems, especially during the dry
season. For example, in Eromoko water is rationed,
with people receiving only four large vessels a
The land is richer and gets more rain to the east,
south and west of Solo, and there is considerable
rice and tobacco production. Rice paddy terraces
climb Mount Merapi, Mount Merbabu to the east,
with Yogya lying beyond, while to the west,
terraced paddies cover the slopes of Mount Lawu.
All of these mountains are volcanos and suffer
tremors from time to time, though Mount Merapi is
the only one still technically active.
Solo is Surakarta's commercial as well as its
administrative center, and produce from the
surrounding desa fills the markets every day. Solo
produces cigarettes, herbal medicines and various
other light-industry products, but batik is
far and away the most important manufacturing
activity in the city. Batik is a
traditional textile working process involving the
use of wax to cover the cloth in patterns and thus
control the areas affected by dying. In the
traditional process, batik tulis ("written
batik") hot wax is applied with incredible
patience and skill with an instrument that looks
like a pipe but is used like a pen. The women and
girls sit circled around an often smoky little
burner that heats the wax.
Batik tulis is a kind of physical
manifestation of the Javanese character, and is
actually seen as such in Solo: a batik has
an inside and an outside; the outside is for the
world and naturally should be as beautiful as
possible; the inside is for you and this should be
equally fine. With this in mind, batik is
always waxed and finished on both sides. Of course
this means twice the work, but it is perceived as
being somehow immoral to do it any other way.
This activity used to be performed by a family's
women as an expression of their devotion and
skill. The process requires at least three months
and is largely governed by tradition: the
patterns, the colors and even the size of the
cloth are all long established. In addition, the
details of the technique are virtually inviolable.
For example, the requisite rich brown color for
fine batik comes from a dye produced by
boiling down a special tree bark until it reaches
the right intensity. This dye is then applied to
the waxed cloth at least 26 times, with a day
between dippings for the cloth to dry, before the
cloth reaches the desired chestnut shade.
A more recent innovation is the use of a cap,
a metal mold used to apply the wax. Finely
detailed batik is still done by hand, but batik
cap has progressed to the point where an
untrained eye would be unlikely to notice any
difference from batik tulis.
Many of the larger houses participate in the
batik industry, with an area set aside for a
covey of from 10 to 30 women and girls, who
usually come from the country (desa).
Really skilled workers are generally old, and the
present level of batik production is not
likely to continue in economically developing Java
as alternative, less demanding activities absorb
more of this cheap labor.
Ethnic Composition
The Javanese are by far the largest of the various
social and cultural groups making up Solo's
population, and they can be divided into two
traditional social classes. The first is includes
the traditional aristocracy, the priyayi,
and the second encompasses everyone else (although
there is a third class involved in trade and
government activities that falls rather outside
this categorization).
The priyayi generally occupy the large,
traditional houses and their families stretch back
for many generations there. In its narrow, proper
use priyayi implies a connection with one
of the courts either by blood or appointment;
however, in looser usage, priyayi is used
to refer to a larger group that has adopted the
class's attitudes and lifestyle. Although the
power of courts has faded into memory, the royal
families maintain many representatives in Jakarta
(the new power nexus), reflecting their wealth,
position and education. More obvious examples
include President Suharto's wife, a progeny of
Solo's Mankunegara family of the House of Mataram,
and Indonesia's former Vice President, the Sultan
of Yogya from the Hamengkubuwana family, an
earlier off-branching of the Mataram, while the
oldest is that of the Pakubuwana in Solo, the
source of our lovely background sentinelle.
However, beyond this, narrowly defined priyayi
representation permeates the government's upper
The non-priyayi Javanese are generally much closer
to their farming roots: they have often only been
in Solo for a generation or two and do most of the
heavy work. This is the labor pool drawn on for
batik production, construction, servants and all
manner of unskilled or semi-skilled occupations.
Their primary loyalties center around tradition,
family and community, setting the tone of Central
Java, and contrasting with Jakarta's
individualistic bustle; as a result, Jakarta's
modernizing residents generally consider Central
Java slow, old-fashioned and a bit backwater,
rather like the image of the Old South in the
United States.
The Chinese are a third important group, that is
conspicuous in business and can be quite wealthy.
However, neither their past role as economic
agents for the Dutch nor their business prowess
much endear then to the Javanese, and they remain
rather socially extruded. The Chinese are in just
about every business area, owning and running
stores and factories of all kinds as well as
controlling the gold market. Like most overseas
offshoots, the Indonesian Chinese maintain family
and clan ties throughout the world, and part of
their business fortune no doubt relates to this
global information network. Chinese businesses are
often family affairs, and they have been adapted
to this inconstant market though diversification
their holdings and activities: one establishment
might include a beauty salon, a bakery and an ice
cream parlor.
There are a number of smaller groups including
emigres from the Middle East and India, and
entrepreneurs or government officials from other
parts of Indonesia, but neither their social nor
their economic power is comparable to the Javanese
or Chinese. There are still a few remnants of the
Dutch presence (with some of the older priyayi
still being more fluent in Dutch than in
Javanese), but beyond the housing and linguistic
artifacts, the impact of the Dutch administrative
is witnessed to by the fact that their legal code
remained in vigor until 1980.
The following figures come from the Government
Statistics Office in Solo, and were collected in
1978. The population of Solo was 444,221. A
breakdown by religion showed 308,168 Muslims,
47,756 Catholics, 49,419 non-Catholic Christians,
4,520 Hindus, 2,557 Buddhists and 31,901 others.
The office did not offer demographic data for the
population's ethnic characteristics; however, the
308,168 Muslims are almost all Javanese, while the
Christian and Buddhist categories cover almost all
the Chinese (as well as some Javanese).
Education statistics show 41,495 as having
graduated from high school, 65,791 from junior
high school, 108,079 from grammar school, 80,176
who never attended school and 87,825 who have yet
to start school. The group that never attended
school are probably first generation immigrants
from the desa. The large number of children in the
population should also be noted.