and Answer
Will the
Church ever be 'One'?
From: Philip
prayed that all believers would be 'one' -
enjoying the complete unity He has with God the
Father (John 17:11; 20-23).
Has this
happened? Will this happen? Any ideas on how or
when it might?
Is it
for us an 'invisible' unity or a visible,
corporate, organisational unity?
From: David
else may be said about JC and his pretensions, I
suspect we all agree that the vision coming out of
Christianity in application has a distinct flavor
of hyperselectivity in relating to reality.
Christians by "careful" definition do not approve
of so much that it seems almost absurd to present
the point. We even get to such issues as sexual
preference and pretend overriding competence to
judge the workings of nature in our distinctly
parochial context. Why on earth should the church
be one? Are we all scambling to fit into the same
dixie cup? What for?
From: Fr
Gregory Hallam
the slightest idea what you mean David. There is
more meaningless jargon in your comment than I
have seen in the works of many German Protestant
theologians. Please be more blunt / specific /
clear in what you are saying.
From: David
Dear Fr.
As you
know, Germaniform expositors are not notably
patient with requests to recouch their positions.
I can remember attempting this approach in
tackling Kant and having my ears pinned to the
wall. The issue involved is that you must
understand it in its own context in that it cannot
be brought into yours or you would already
understand it. I'm not that arrogant so let me see
if I can expand the précis and open up the
elements that constitute its definition of
density. You requested that I be blunt: here is
First, the Mother Church is and always has been a disaster. As an institution it has frequently provided a context for the expression of the lust for power and practical impunity of those who have used it to develop and express their own beings through a tyrannical imposition on the social order around them and the control and evident manipulation of the experience of the members of their flock by disallowing them their own feelings. It has provided yet another marvelous hierarchy wherein, as is so often the case in such, the "scum" has all too frequently risen to the top, i.e., those without practical scruples or values who are willing to stand in association with positions that are convenient in their context have a distinct advantage in such a context in seeking positional advancement.
Second, as this evidently implies, Christ's teaching are at open variance with and in active violation of Natural Law in advocating the abrogation of personal experience as a guide for relating to reality.
Third, the criminal acts and practices of the Church over the years as expressed in its in-group delimited and hierarchically defined orientation are too readily swept under the rug by those taken with the tasty bait of advocated irresponsibility (an eternal free lunch) proffered in Christ's original teachings.
Fourth, as far as I have found, there is no passage in the Bible that justifies or advocates either: 1) terrorizing, subjugating, torturing or burning members of your community who for some reason or other do not accede to Church authority or stand out as excludable for one reason or another; or 2) going forth and converting unbelievers at sword point (which went on for centuries) and spitting on them if they do not adhere to your particular version of the "Faith". The Inquisition, the Papal Line of Demarcation, the Conquistadors, the Bandeirantes, the heretic and witch torturing and burning, the incredibly brutal wars between differing Christian factions or sects, decrees of "excommunication", "interdiction", etc. and the general tyrannical character of Christianity's contentious history are the business of the Church and its efforts to maintain itself aloft in unquestionable and unaccountable authority. However, the theory presented in the New Testament is inextricably woven into this praxis.
Fifth, I must admit that I find Christ's teachings a profoundly confusing source of guidance as well. First we have the attribution of a God of love who literally gives carte blanche authority to forgive anything through the agency of a believer:
If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven. (John 20:23)
Strange. But
even stranger in light of Christ's outstandingly
"peace and love" message (especially as most
people are inclined to see it nowadays) are the
passages where he sounds like Adolf Hitler on a
bad day such as:
"You have heard that it is said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I
tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully
has already committed adultery in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It
is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell." (Mathew 5: 27-30)
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way as you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces." (Mathew 7: 1-6)
As a
result, it is certainly to be admitted that there
is plenty of room for confusion, but the basic
issues are clear. It would seem that the Church
has all too frequently taken its role as the
"Shepherd" of its "Flock" too literally and
acquired an unholy taste for mutton as a result.
would appear to be grounded in humanity's often
perverse character and delight in power and
authority. Whatever else may be said, whether in
good faith or in bad faith, Christ's teachings
became the rallying cry for the foundation of a
living monster: the great and glorious and
infallible and intransigent and (Lord knows)
wealthy Mother Church. Quite a business it is!
Gregory, I would like to refer to some earlier
questions from Kevin Love that would appear
relevant to the issues involved.
look at it in context a bit more deeply.
Christ, gods were viewed as sufficiently
terrifying in their wrath and purposes as not to
require much concern about a Devil. Yahweh was a
relatively reasonable personage but was deemed
awful in the extreme. Other gods were more openly
demonic and self-interested, witness Zeus and
company and their delight in war and revenge and
destruction. A clearer and more proper association
with the implacable character of natural justice
was, evidently, expressed by the
Erinyes or
Furies. But gods
frequently had rather small purposes, i.e., their
own prominence and power and worked in association
with a limited group. This self-interested purpose
united them with the mortals that were struggling
and fighting and promoting themselves here, there
and everywhere and anyone who accumulated enough
power promptly declared himself a god (e.g., the
Pharaohs, Alexander the Great, the Caesars, etc.)
suddenly Christ started handing out free lunches
on his divinity's account, guaranteeing
forgiveness for sins and eternal salvation not
only through Christ himself but also through his
agents in the persons of what developed into the
clergy. In addition, God went from being a
semi-demonic statement of wrath and natural
justice to being a wimp, a namby-pamby divinity --
whom worshippers were well defined (according to
JC) to order to: "forgive us our sins as we also
forgive everyone who sins against us" (not even
the common courtesy of a "please") -- expressing a
kind of perverted sense of "love" in that love was
traditionally viewed as something you had to earn,
but in Christianity it was suddenly something that
could be passed out like lollipops at the
dentist's office.
being is defined as the use of others to serve the
purposes of a few. On the other hand, Divine being
is defined in a very unclear fashion in
Christianity and it is often argued (at great
length) that God is on high in his heaven
manipulating all to his unimpeachable ends through
predestination and even double predestination. In
many senses the demonic and the divine as
presented in these definitions are not notably
different. Confusing, I'll admit.
Is the Holy
Spirit not also present in history?
proper use, a holy spirit is one that is present
in everything in that legitimate divine being must
necessarily be concerned with all of existence,
not merely the promotion of the purposes of a few.
Do only
'scum rise to the top?'
No. But
history certainly does show that those who do rise
to the top, in coming out of the human offal now
below them, have a distinct tendency to betray
whatever grand or proper purposes they used to
promote their elevation in order to establish
themselves on high in one way or another ("Power
corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely"). In
addition, one suspects that "Whom the gods would
destroy, they first make proud" might be telling
us something.
Does God
never help us?
in terms of proper divine being standing open to
and thus concerned with all of our problems, God
is indeed mechanically constrained to an interest
in helping us when there is something there to
help, i.e., when we are not expressing purely
selfish interests ourselves.
Does God
never guide our leaders?
Sometimes, it would appear. But it is clearly very
difficult to guide those who are primarily
interested only in their own prominence. It is
rather like a game of chess where the major pieces
have purposes of their own while most view
themselves as the be all and end all of existence.
In these terms, God is just one more piece, one
more participant, one more mind, in this struggle,
handicapped greatly by serving a universal
purpose. History and the Bible certainly testify
to this, with even the New Testament giving a
scathing view of Mankind.
There is no-one righteous, not even one;
there is no-one who understands,
no-one who seeks God.
All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no-one who does good,
not even one.
Their throats are open graves;
their tongues practise deceit.
The poison of vipers is on their lips.
Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood;
ruin and misery mark their ways (Romans 3: 10-16)
One wonders how any responsible or openly defined being could be imagined to forgive such iniquity and thus incur the close association of such a self-interested, treacherous lot. Only the Christian God is deemed to be thus inclined, evidently in conflict with Yahweh and traditional Jewish thought.
In this light, one suspects that we do well to view ourselves as much of the problem of existence itself, but that certainly our becoming a part of its solution can only come when we cease to "turn away" and serve our own ends at the expense of all the rest.
Gordon Howe